Capsule set-up Guide
17's energy field is NOT unblockable
The goal of this page is to help you with descisions on what to equip your character with, and
this can vary deeply depending on what you want to do, and which character you are using. A great
deal of it is tips and hints from SSS, evil cap, and Crazymasterhand(with his tutorial vids). If
you see a capsule listed here that you don't have, see Blacksight6's Capsule List to find out how
to get it.
1.0 -- Stuff that goes for all characters
2.0 -- Goku
2.1 -- Kid Goku
2.2 -- Kid Gohan
2.3 -- Teen Gohan
2.4 -- Gohan
2.5 -- Great Saiyaman
2.6 -- Goten
2.7 -- Vegeta
2.8 -- Trunks
2.9 -- Kid Trunks
2.10 -- Krillin
2.11 -- Piccolo
2.12 -- Tien
2.13 -- Yamcha
2.14 -- Hercule
2.15 -- Videl
2.16 -- Supreme Kai
2.17 -- Uub
2.18 -- Raditz
2.19 -- Nappa
2.20 -- Captain Ginyu
2.21 -- Recoome
2.22 -- Frieza
2.23 -- Android #16
2.24 -- Android #17
2.25 -- Android #18
2.26 -- Dr. Gero
2.27 -- Cell
2.28 -- Majin Buu
2.29 -- Super Buu
2.30 -- Kid Buu
2.31 -- Dabura
2.32 -- Cooler
2.33 -- Bardock
2.34 -- Broly
2.35 -- Omega Shenron
2.36 -- Saibamen
2.37 -- Cell Jr.
3.0 -- Ending stuff
//1.0 -- Stuff that goes for all characters\\
It's considered to be fair, and more reliant on the actual skill of the player to just have
Breakthrough equipped, and with 4 health bars. But custom set-ups are still good to use!
So, If you have the Greatest Hits Version, the 3 slot potential is usually a good choice.
Regardless, the following goes for basically, all characters(Pretty much a direct quote from
either evil cap or SSS, i can't rememebr which hehe):
1. Learn the proper cancel combos for your character.
2. Equip Meditation, and your best move double stacked.
3. Equip whatever odds and ends you might need(Super Saiyan, Turtle Shell, etc)
Note for Ki Capsules: They reduce by the Following:
1 slot: 10%
2 slot: 15%
3 slot: 30%
//2.0 -- Goku\\
Goku is transform dependent. he also has a dragon fist infinite, and 10x Kamehameha(at SS4)
So, if you want to build something around 10x Kamehameha, just use Breakthrough. With
Breakthrough, you CAN still use the DF infinite, and it would be usable at Super Saiyan 4, and
still have Kamehameha to shorten your combos if need be. However, if you want a setup built around
the DF infinite, i'd recommend something like this:
Dragon Fist
Dragon Fist
Turtle Shell
You can adjust it to your liking, but Meditation and Turtle shell both help with big damage off
the infinite.
Meditation reduces the cost of abilities by about 1/3. Combine this with Super Saiyan, and you can
teleport twice at baseline. Turtle shell Doubles the time you have before the opponent gains
enough Ki to teleport. Against fighters who can't TC(Hercule, Videl, Uub), I'd recommend using
Super Saiyan or Z-Sword instead of Turtle Shell. Since the opponent can yakon you anyway because
you already have Kaioken, I prefer Super Saiyan over Z-Sword, since it gives you another guard
break if you need it and it looks cool, but that's just me.
//2.1 -- Kid Goku\\
Not too much reason to put Kamehameha on him, since Jaiken Fist(Rock-Scissors-Paper)>Kamehameha.
Kid Goku has no Ki Capsule. He has a 1-slot potential, that is much more than half as good as
Potential, and it needs half the space, so it's good. Kid Goku has good reach with his Power Pole.
Jaiken Fist
Jaiken Fist
Full Moon's Glow
Tonkatsu(fried Pork) bowl
Turtle Shell
Yakon and Pork bowl are interchangable.
You could even Incorperate chicken fried 7-seasoned toad in there, and maybe have something like
Jaiken Fist
Jaiken Fist
Full Moon's Glow
Chicken-Fried 7-Seasoned Toad
Vest with Hole for Tail
If you were to replace something with Yakon in this setup, i would ommit Juice!
You could replace the 7-seasoned toad and juice with a Paosasauras tail, and(optionally of
course), take away the full moon's glow for a 3-slot armor, but i like what i put above better.
//2.2 -- Kid Gohan\\
Kid Gohan does not have a Ki Capsule. He has Mixed Blood Power though, so that's good. I have
something like this:
Unlock Potential
Fruits of Training
Mixed Blood Power
You could replace fruits of training or mixed blood power with Turtle Shell(But i like mixed Blood
power better than fruits of training), or if you are playing against someone who will yakon you
with that setup, you could keep fruits of training and mixed blood power, and replace Unlock
Potential with Turtle Shell. For Greatest Hits version, i'd use something like
Unlock Potential
Mixed Blood Power/Fruits of Training/Turtle Shell
Ultimate Power
Without the risk of yakon alternative:
Ultimate Power
//2.3 -- Teen Gohan\\
Teen Gohan has an SDS infinite, and can use Meditation. SDS requires Super Saiyan 2, so:
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Soaring Dragon Strike
Soaring Dragon Strike
I can't see him using anything else really, unless you want to replace an SDS with turtle shell.
Actually, that's not a very bad idea.
//2.4 -- Gohan\\
Gohan, like Teen Gohan has an SDS infinite, and can use Meditation. However, it doesn't need SS2.
So this gives you more flexibility and you can equip Turtle Shell without having to worry about a
loss of damage from the ability itself. You also don't need to worry about yakon with this. As
nice as Gohan's Transformations are, you don't need them.
Super Saiyan/Mixed Blood Power/Z-Sword
Soaring Dragon Strike
Soaring Dragon Strike
Turtle Shell
//2.5 -- Great Saiyaman\\
Justice Kick is a guard break that's pretty fast, and the last kick of it is unblockable. It
consumes 1 ki gauge instead of 2 like most <E moves. Justice Punch is a Poor man's charge(A.K.A
Worthless). the 2 slot ki capsules(if you read the start of the faq) just aren't worth it. so,
Justice Kick
Justice Kick
Videl's Kiss/Yakon
Mixed Blood Power
Turtle Shell
Or, for Greatest Hits version, i'd put something like
Justice Kick
Justice Kick
Videl's Kiss/Mixed Blood Power/Yakon
Miracle Power
Turtle Shell
//2.6 -- Goten\\
Goten's charge is good, but against Midgets(Krillin, and all the "Kids" and teen gohan),
Kamehameha is better.
Super Saiyan
Turtle Shell/Fruits of Training
Mixed Blood Power
Or for Greatest Hits,
Super Saiyan
Miracle Power
Turtle Shell
If you're playing against someone who will yakon, you can replace super Saiyan with an attack
power up, mixed blood power, and play around with it. It's always good to have Kamehameha OR
Charge Double Stacked, but its also good to have Turtle Shell in there.
//2.7 -- Vegeta\\
Vegeta, like Goku can go SS4, but unlike goku, he can use Meditation as well as ss4
simultaniously. Babidi's Mind Control is a waste of three slots.
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 4
Galick Gun
I think this is his best one, even though galick gun isn't doubule stacked. It just isn't worth
ommiting SS4 for another Galick Gun or even Turtle Shell, and it isn't worth taking away
Meditation for something else either.
//2.8 -- Trunks\\
Trunks has access to Meditation. Finish Buster>Buster Cannon. Super Saiyan 2 is not worth it.
Super Saiyan
Finish Buster
Finish Buster
Turtle Shell/Mixed Blood Power/Fruits of Training
without transformations:
Finish Buster
Finish Buster
Turtle Shell
Mixed Blood power/Fruits of Training
You could actually take away Turtle Shell and The last slot for Potential, but i wouldn't
recommend it highly
//2.9 -- Kid Trunks\\
Double Buster is better than Final Cannon unless you can connect every hit of Final Cannonn into a
juggle. That said,
Super Saiyan
Double Buster
Double Buster
Turtle Shell/Fruits of Training
Mixed Blood Power
Here is a Greatest Hits version, without transformations
Double Buster
Double Buster
Potential(or Turtle Shell and Mixed Blood power/Fruits of Training)
Miracle Power
GH with Transformations:
Super Saiyan
Double Buster
Double Buster
Turtle Shell
Miracle Power
Alternate without transformations:
Double Buster
Double Buster
Turtle Shell
Mixed Blood Power
Fruits of Training
//2.10 -- Krillin\\
Krillin can use Meditation. Combine this with Unlock Potential and you can teleport twice at
Unlock Potential
Destructo Disc
Destructo Disc
Turtle Shell
That's my Favorite Setup with Krillin. Here's a variant for if your opponent yakons:
Destructo Disc
Destructo Disc
Fruits of Training
Turtle Shell
//2.11 -- Piccolo\\
Can use Meditation, and when sync with nail, can teleport twice at baseline. Light Grenade
requires fuse with kami and it costs 1/2 ki gauges, and is much better then destructive wave.
Sync With Nail
Fuse With Kami
Light Grenade
Light Grenade
You could, if you wanted to, replace a light grenade with Turtle Shell, to have more lengthy
//2.12 -- Tien\\
Nothing special about Tien's capsules. I'd recommend using something with Ki Blast Cannon.
Ki Blast Cannon
Ki Blast Cannon
Chicken-Fried 7 seassoned toad
Training Vest
Potential can be replaced with any combination of Fruits of Training, Yakon and Turtle Shell.
GH Setup:
Ki Blast Cannon
Ki Blast Cannon
Turtle Shell/Yakon/Fruits of Training
Miracle Power
//2.13 -- Yamcha\\
Yamcha has a WFF infinite. Can use Kamehameha to shorten combos if need be. With Turtle Shell
equipped, can WFF infinite to death
Wolf Fang Fist
Wolf Fang Fist
Yakon/Kamehameha/Fruits of Training
Turtle Shell
Since Kamehameha is really there for shortening combos, it doesn't have to be double stacked, but
it can be. WFF double stacked and Turtle Shell are nessisary, and Potential is there for
Increasing the damage dealt. for a Greatest Hits Setup, You could just have Miracle Power instead
of Potential and Fruits of Training(Which, i think is better than just having a second kamehameha)
//2.14 -- Hercule\\
Hercule can have lots of Defense %, so my setup is built sort of around that. Turtle Shell is
Rolling Hercule Punch
Rolling Hercule Punch
World Champion Vest
Champion Belt
Turtle Shell
You could have one of the Hercule Punches replaced with Dende's recovery, but i think it's better
to have it double stacked. I guess if you don't even want abilities, just Mass Defense, you could
do something like this(But i still think double rolling hercule punch is better)
High-Tech Vest
Champion Belt
Dende's Recovery
Turtle Shell
//2.15 -- Videl\\
IMO, Hawk Arrow>Eagle Kick. Equip Turtle Shell. have something like this:
Hawk Arrow
Hawk Arrow
King's Lineage
Turtle Shell
of course there's a GH version of this that i think is actually better
Hawk Arrow
Hawk Arrow
Miracle Power
Turtle Shill
//2.16 -- Supreme Kai\\
I like Shockwave more than Supernatural abilities because the damage of the latter is
unpredictable, other than that, there's nothing special about his capsules.
Kibito's Backing
Supreme Kai's Outfit/Grand Kai's Outit+Turtle Shell
You can also replace Supreme Kai's Outfit with Grand Kai's Outfit and Yakon, or King Kai's
Outfit+Turtle Shell and Yakon. For Greatest Hits,
Miracle Power
You could Replace Potential with Kibito's Backing and Turtle Shell/Yakon, or you could Put Turtle
Shell And Yakon, instead of Potential. Again, i like the GH Setup Better
//2.17 -- Uub\\
Uub can't TC, so use Turtle Shell... and Fierce Flurry>Ki Cannon. Something like this is good:
Fierce Flurry
Fierce Flurry
Fruits of Training/Yakon
Training Belt
Turtle Shell
Chicken Fried 7-seasoned toad
You can play around with it to match your liking, but that's how i would do it.
//2.18 -- Raditz\\
Raditz has Moon Light, which is the same as Kid Goku's Full Moon's Glow.
Saturday Crush
Saturday Crush
Rit Armor
Moon Light
Turtle Shell/Battle Testament/Yakon
Chicken Fried 7 seasoned toad
so for GH just replace rit armor and the toad with Saiyan's Awakening. You can alternatively
replace Rit Armor with Old Style Armor and Yakon
//2.19 -- Nappa\\
I'd just put the same thing for Nappa what i put for Raditz. Instead of Saturday Crush it's Break
//2.20 -- Captain Ginyu\\
Pose 1 increases your attack 3 stages
Pose 2 increases your defense 3 stages
Special Fighting Pose 1
Special Fighting Pose 2
Milky Cannon
Milky Cannon
Rit Armor
Medical Machine
If you want more defense you could cut out pose 1 and replace rit armor with New Style Armor.
For GH, replace rit armor and medical Machine with Nature of Evil. Here's a more attack setup.
Special Fighting Pose 1
Milky Cannon
Milky Cannon
Battle Testament
In GH you can replace Battle Testament and Potential with Nature of Evil.
Here's one that i'm taking right out of the Gamefaqs faq of Ginyu by Sprawlers:
Nnamz thought up of this. Senzu Seedling, when activated, gives you 30 seconds of unlimited ki. Go
hyper mode, and keep chasing after your enemy. 30 seconds of max ki going for an ultimate can be
hard to avoid. Ginyu’s launcher is cancelable at the first frames, and it can hit sidestepping
opponents. Land it, and your opponent is stuck with a Ginyu who has NOTHING to offer. You should
easily be able to win afterwards. Try this out when your energy is low.
Body Change
Senzu Seedling
This is the only instance in the game where it's actually worth going Hyper Mode
//2.21 -- Recoome\\
I guess you could use Recoome Kick here, or Eraser gun even, but i like Recoome Kick better
Special Fighting Pose 3
Recoome Kick
Recoome Kick
Battle Testament
Turtle Shell
4 GH, if you want an all around setup, replace testament and potential with Nature of Evil
Here's a Defensive Setup:
Special Fighting Pose 4
Recoome Kick
Recoome Kick
Rit Armor
Medical Machine
Turtle Shell
//2.22 -- Frieza\\
Can use Frieza's Spaceship, which activates when you die, bringing you back to life with full
health and raises your baseline by 1, and so it raises your ki to 5 gauges. It takes away the
reach you gain from Second or Third Form. So,
Second Form
Third Form
Death Wave
Death Wave
Rit Armor
Chicken fried 7-seasoned toad(Replace this and rit armor with Nature of Evil in GH)
However, if you don't mind the loss in reach, i'd recommend
Second Form
Third Form
Death Wave
Frieza's Spaceship
You'll still have your reach until you die, and then you'll loose it. In the first setup, you
could replace one of the death waves with Turtle Shell if you wanted to.
//2.23 -- Android #16\\
Rocket Punch does above average damage for a level 1 Death move.
Rocket Punch
Rocket Punch
Improved Special Coating
Chicken fried 7 seasoned toad
of course, there's a defensive version too, that's a little less complicated(and i prefer it as
Rocket Punch
Rocket Punch
Improved Nanomachine
Automatic Restoration
Here's a GH version:
Rocket Punch
Rocket Punch
Mode Switching Systems
//2.24 -- Android #17\\
17's Energy Field is unblockable.
I'd just give the same thing i gave for #16. Energy Field instead of Rocket Punch
//2.25 -- Android #18\\
Same thing i gave for 16. Destructo Disc instead of Rocket Punch
//2.26 -- Dr. Gero\\
Gero has Ki blast absorption. Other than that he has nothing special about his capsules Although
you can double stack Ki Blast Absorption, it doesn't make you gain any more ki from absorbing a
level 1 or level 2 DM, or ki blasts.
Photon Wave
Photon Wave
Ki Blast Absorption
Power Amplification System/Yakon
Defensive Version:
Photon Wave
Photon Wave
Ki Blast Absorption
Improved Special Coating
Automatic Restoration/Yakon
GH Version:
Photon Wave
Photon Wave
Ki Blast Absorption
Mode Switching Systems
//2.27 -- Cell\\
Cell has two ki capsules. so it can work like a 4-slot Meditation. Combined, they have the same ki
reduction as Meditation.
#17 Absorption
Energy Field
Energy Field
Ki Control
Breathing Room of the Strongest
of course, if you don't want a 4-slot meditation, there's always
#17 Absorption
Perfect Form
Super Perfect Form
Energy Field
Energy Field
GH Version:
#17 Absorption
Energy Field
Energy Field
Warrior Genetics
Nature of Evil
//2.28 -- Majin Buu\\
Babidi's Scope gives a third of the Ki reduction. And takes a third of the space. Innocence Cannon
does more damage than most level 1 DMs.
Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express
Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express
Majin Buu's Regeneration/Turtle Shell/Yakon/Demon Realm Flames
Babidi's Scope
Chicken fried 7 seasoned toad
In GH,
Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express
Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express
Demon Realm Flames/Majin Buu's Regeneration/Yakon/Turtle Shell
Babidi's Scope
Toxic Chocolate
//2.29 -- Super Buu\\
Same as Majin Buu, only Instead of Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express, have Ill Ball Attack.
//2.30 -- Kid Buu\\
Same as Majin Buu, only Instead of Innocence Cannon/Innocence Express, have Vanishing Ball.
//2.31 -- Dabura\\
pretty much same as the Buus, but a little diffrent
Evil Blast
Evil Blast
Demonic Will/Turtle Shell/Yakon/Demon Realm Flames
Babidi's Scope
Chicken fried 7 seasoned toad
GH Version:
Evil Blast
Evil Blast
Demon Realm Flames/Demonic Will/Yakon/Turtle Shell
Babidi's Scope
Nature of Evil
Dabura isn't Transform Dependent. I prefer Demonic Will over Demon Realm Flames unless the
opponent is going to use Yakon.
//2.22 -- Cooler\\
From Cooler's Shoryuken: In Cooler's Final Form, he cannot OTG Goku with his >P, K, or <K. It's
easier to juggle into Sauzer Blade in Final Form. Final Form lets you link a >P chain from PPPP*.
Destructive Ray does Above Average Damage.
Final Form
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Cooler's Armored Squad
Rit Armor
7 seasoned Toad
If you don't mind loosing Extra Reach of Final Form to Metal Cooler, then
Final Form
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Cooler's Spaceship
GH Setup:
Final Form
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Sauzer Blade/Destructive Ray
Nature of Evil
Turtle Shell/Cooler's Armored Squad/Medical Machine/Old Style Armor
//2.33 -- Bardock\\
Bardock has Moon Light.
Heat Phalanx
Heat Phalanx
Moon Light
Turtle Shell/Power oF Friends/Yakon/Riot Javelin
Kanassan-made Guard
7-seasoned Toad
This puts his attack at 150%(160% if you're using Power of Friends) and defense at 95%. Not a bad
trade. You could replace the Kanassan-made guard with a Lower-Class Saiyan guard and Anyone of the
1-slot options listed under Moon Light. Here's a GH Version.
Heat Phalanx
Heat Phalanx
Moon Light
Turtle Shell/Power oF Friends/Yakon/Riot Javelin
Warrior Race's Awakening
//2.34 -- Broly\\
Legendary Super Saiyan gives 120% attack and raises baseline to 5.
Legendary Super Saiyan
Gigantic Press
Gigantic Press
Kakarot's Crying/Turtle Shell
King's Body Wrap
7 seasoned toad
GH Setup:
Legendary Super Saiyan
Gigantic Press
Gigantic Press
Kakarot's Crying/Turtle Shell
Hatred of Kakarot
//2.35 -- Omega Shenron\\
Omega Shenron can Double Stack Evil Grin. For more info on this, see the Cell note about his Ki
Capsules. See this Link:
Whirlwind Spin
Dragon Thunder
Dragon Thunder
Evil Grin
Evil Grin
Whirlwind Spin
Whirlwind Spin
Dragon Thunder
Dragon Thunder
Apetites of Man
Shenron's Hide
7 seasond toad
Attack is 140%, def is 95%. you can replace Apetites of man and Shenron's hide with Porunga's hide
for a more Defensive setup, which gives 130% attack, and 105% def.
Greatest Hits:
Whirlwind Spin
Whirlwind Spin
Dragon Thunder
Dragon Thunder
Black Dragonball
//2.36 -- Saibamen\\
Self-destruct has the same drawback as hyper mode.
Strength Serum
64x Enriched Serum
Medical Machine
that gives 110% attack, and 142% defense. You can take out Strength Serum and then replace 64x
enrich serum, with 128x Enriched serum. this will make your attack 100%, and defense 152%
As an alternative, you can use a similar set up that i used for 16, only instead of Rocket Punch,
it's Acid.
//2.37 -- Cell Jr.\\
Nothing special about Cell Jr.'s Capsules. Except for that he has a damage routing to ki capsule.
Warrior Genetics
Life Extract for 1000
Piccolo's Regeneration
that gives 110% attack, and 142% defense. You can take out Warrior Genetics and then replace Life
Extract for 1000, with Life Extract for 10000. this will make your attack 100%, and defense 152%
As an alternative, you can use a similar set up that i used for 16, only instead of Rocket Punch,
it's Kamehameha.